I write the words. But first I have the ideas.
For your business to sell more stuff (and let’s face it, that’s why you’re here) you’ll need a creative, strategic idea driving your copy. That’s what I do. And I’ve been doing it for a while now. People even pay me to do it. And then keep paying me to do it. Which is probably the best indicator I’m good at my job.
Shiny things on my shelf
2023 AAF Nebraska
American Advertising Awards
I know we’re meant to be all ‘cool’ about awards but I won’t lie, it was a total buzz to win gold in the “Copywriting” category. Actually, me and my business buddy, David Moore, ended up lugging home no less than 7 awards across numerous creative categories, including a very pointy Judges Citation trophy. Squeee!
2022 American Marketing Association Awards
Marketing a marketing consultancy to an audience of CMOs could have been intimidating. But by consistently showing up with a bold positioning and elegant promotional strategy based around a campaignable Big Idea, we reached our goals and then some. Now we have an award you could take out your enemies with to prove it.
Thinking out loud.
I’m no thought leader (where are they leading all those thoughts off to, anyway?). But every now and again I get the chance to talk or write in public about what I do.
Call to Action.
Gasp!’s CTA pod’s host, Giles Edwards, had me on to yak about selling cheap suits, writing better copy by studying songwriting, outspending versus outsmarting, making ads for ad agencies, why rappers are good copywriters, whether AI robots really will take our jobs and a shed load more.
Shot By Both Sides podcast.
I had the privilege of chatting with ad strategist, author and generally brilliant thinker, Eaon Pritchard, about copywriting, songwriting, a bit of Tarot and mysticism, and lots more. Plus I got to choose the playlist.
LinkedIn Articles
Writing helps me make sense of the things I’m learning - whether that’s evolutionary psychology or songwriting. Here’s a selection of pieces that got people talking.
The only copywriting tip you'll ever really need
Birth of a sales(wo)man
Acts of mercy, murder and keeping people out of your underwear drawer
What is a copywriter, anyway?
Waxing lyrical: how my failed songwriting career helps me write better copy
"If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it."
Breathing life into your copy is all about context
Give them an alibi
24% remaining
Take it to the bridge: Paul Simon’s creative process
A better problem
Cracking the case on consumer emotions
More Than One’s “Founders Insights” series
Talented strategist, Maggie S.D. Khoo, asked me to take part in the Founders Insights series, offering my thoughts on how smaller businesses could respond during the COVID19 pandemic.